
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》


有多超級?雙 GeForce GTX285 (進 Windows 會被看成一顆 GTX295 的樣子)配上 4GB 的 DDR3 記憶體如何?華碩宣稱這比公板 GTX295 還要快上 21%,內建了 8 根熱導管的散熱設計,不僅如此,它還是限量版的呢!如果上面寫的數字理解無誤的話,應該是限量 1000 片而已。但這些別的都不談,光是這外型設計,小薑就覺得值了。

如果說還有什麼能比一張 MARS 更強的,大概就是上圖那樣,一次兩張吧 @@。


<Computex 2009: Preview ASUS MARS Limited Super
Graphics Card>

How Superb is it? How about dual GeForce GTX285 (it seems that only one will be shown when viewing with Windows) plus 4 GB of DDR3 rams? ASUS claims that it is 21% faster than the reference board GTX295, with 8 heat pipes as the cooling system. What's more, it is also a limited edition, with only 1000 pieces supplied worldwide! Well, if the number on it means that. Anyway, apart from that, it worthes the money just for the design, if you ask my opinion.

If anything has better capacity than a MARS card, it is probably like the pic above, two packed together...

「限量版 1/1000」...問題是,現場的都是工程樣本,每個上面都寫 1/1000 = =a。

"Limited edition 1/1000"... the thing is, they are all engineering samples on exhibition, and each has "1/1000" on it...


See how cool it is when two ultra graphics cards are bound together.

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    Wayne:This is my life in technicolor!

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