《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
Samsung 最近丟出了一台想必是讓綠色某某組織最超愛的手機,同時他將不只是個概念,一切順利的話(撒鹽),可能最快今年的下半年就會上市了!
這台代號為 Blue Earth 的手機,除了採用 PCM 這個回收塑膠瓶製成的外殼,本身還有個環保模式(eco mode),可以以最有效率的方式來調整螢幕背光亮度、背光時間、藍牙使用等,另外還有個 eco walk 小軟體 / 內建的計步器,來量測使用者以身體力行方式,走路替代開車所省下的 CO2 排放量。
至於他最綠的地方,則是背後的太陽能面板;而到時候出貨的盒裝,也都會完全採用回收材料,同時也會有個極有效率的充電器,不過目前大家應該最在意的價格、規格、OS 都還尚未明朗就是。
《 原文來源:Pocket-lint 》
Samsung unveils Blue Earth solar powered phone
Samsung Electronics has unveiled a solar-powered full touchscreen phone called "Blue Earth".
No eco launch is complete without earthy PR speak, so the Blue Earth is apparently designed to "symbolise a flat and well rounded shiny pebble".
More importantly, the Blue Earth is the first such phone to the market and charges up via the solar panel on the back of the phone, apparently generating enough electronic power to make a call anytime.
Adding to those green credentials, the Blue Earth is made from a recycled plastic called PCM, which is extracted from water bottles.
Both the handset, and its charger, are free from harmful substances such as Brominated Flame Retardants, Beryllium and Phthalate.
Samsung says the Blue Earth comes with a unique user interface designed "to draw attention to preserving our fragile environment".
Screen brightness, backlight duration and Bluetooth can all be adjusted in an energy-efficient mode called "Eco mode".
In addition there's an "eco walk" function that lets the user count their steps with an in-built pedometer, calculating how much CO2 emissions have been reduced (and therefore how many trees have been saved) by walking as opposed to taking the car.
With recycled packaging, and energy efficient charger, the Samsung Blue Earth will be available in the UK during the second half of 2009.
We're waiting on more specification information about the handset from Samsung and will update the story when we have it.