《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
如果你買了新的 "摳愛妻" (Intel Core i7),而且錢多多又具備實驗精神,想試試自己的Kuso指數,幫它裝上一個問題漏洞百出又超貴的散熱器,那一顆要價350美金(折合台幣約1萬2)的Danamics的液態金屬散熱器─LM10可以滿足你的需求..Orz。
《 原文來源:NordicHardware 》
Danamics LM10 - Liquid metal put to the test
Today we bring you the world exclusive review of the liquid metal cooler LM10 from Danish cooling company Danamics ApS. Danamics was founded in 2005 with the goal of using liquid metal for cooling. Since then Danamics has been researching and developing new technologies that would enable them to do just that. Amongst others, they had to find a suitable metal, but most of all come up with a whole new electromagnetic pump.
The main advantages of Danamics' liquid metal concept are that it creates no noise, no vibrations, has no wear and tear, and no mechanical parts that will deteriorate over time and break. As mentioned above, Danamics needed to come up with a whole new pump because regular industry electromagnetic pumps require very high currents, several hundred amperes, which would cause some major disturbances if installed inside a PC.
Danamics has designed a multi-string pump that requires as little as 5A to create pump activity while only consuming as little power as an overall of 1W, which is less than what your average case fan consumes. It is all very impressive, but what it all really comes down to is what kind of performance the LM10 cooler can deliver. The price is higher than your average high-end CPU air cooler and about the same as a water cooling kit.
First we will look over the cooling basics and the technology behind the cooler.