
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》


Albatron在今年的Computex上有展示這款原型機,現在最終版本終於塵埃落定,原本叫做「mini tablet PC」正式更名叫「Tee PC」或「Tee PC Rocke」(盒子上是印Tee PC Rocke,不過Tee PC乍聽之下還真像Eee PC...)。

Tee PC反潮流而行,配置了400MHz 的ARM926處理器、7吋800 x 480觸控螢幕、128MB的RAM、128MB快閃記憶體、可供擴充的SD卡插槽,內建WiFi和藍牙,最屌的是配上Windows CE 6.0作業系統。Tee PC看來「準備問世」了,可惜我們還不知道它的售價和上市日期。除非它衝擊了部份平板和輕省筆電的市場,它應該不會造成太大影響。

《 原文來源:HotHardware

Albatron Unveils Tee PC Tablet with Touch Screen

Albatron Technology is gearing up to roll out its first Mini Tablet PC, dubbed the “Tee PC”, whose prototype was first shown at Computex 2008 (June). Since then, this diminutive Tablet PC has been polished up, packaged and is ready for the market.

Unpack n’ Play
The “Tee PC” comes ready-to- use straight out of the box with all the hardware and software you need, including a docking station, power adapter and a touch pen. The Windows CE 6.0 operating system is pre-installed with WordPad, MediaPlayer and Internet Explorer. The “Touch” screen and touch pen take care of navigating the Windows interface. A software-based keyboard is provided for data input but a standard USB keyboard can also be attached. The Tee PC can be operated stand-alone using its internal battery or can be attached to a docking station.

Connect anytime and carry anywhere!
With expanding metropolitan network access and Tee PC’s Wireless or Blue Tooth facilities, you virtually have anytime/anywhere web browsing, email and other network conveniences. The 18.8x11.3x 1.3 cm dimensions and 343 grams give you an idea of how slim and portable the Tee PC really is.

Multimedia to go! Ready Camera … and Action!
A swivel camera is located on the frame of the touch screen and can be used for such things as visual chatting. Speakers are located in the docking station or you can attach external speakers or earphones to the jacks located on the tablet. The “Tee PC” also comes with two USB 2.0 connectors for the rest of your gadgets. The graphics facilities in this product can decode H.264, MPEG4 and VGA at 30 fps.

CPU, Memory and Storage
The CPU used with the Tee PC is a 400 MHz ARM926. The Tee PC comes with 128 MB of Nand flash memory as well as 128MB of SO-DIMM DDR memory. An SD Card expansion slot is also located on the tablet for removable mass storage.

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