《 轉載來源:癮科技 》

看多了一成不變的硬梆梆 3C 產品,有時候就是會想要來點美美的東西平衡一下腦子,環顧主力產品區裡,最美的應該就屬 SG,所以 Annti
就轉往一館二樓,在那邊發現幾家頗搶眼的攤位,剛好分別是台灣、香港和新加坡的品牌,跳轉後有介紹。( 依英文字母順序排列 )
Computex 2011: Some Aesthetically Designed Accessories
In Alphabetical Order:
femme de pivot

這個牌子是從香港來的,是 Apple 產品的週邊,設計風格十分浪漫細緻,完全就是女性市場取向,除了 iPhone 和 iPad 保護殼之外,比較特別的是它的螢幕保護貼系列,特別在框的部份設計了雕花紋路,整個就是大美!
另外 femme de pivot 也有出免費的 iPhone/iPad 桌布 app,感覺得出來廠商很注重產品的系列感。它的價位不算太貴,一只造型很精緻的iPad2 皮套只要台幣 1,400 元,目前台灣有銷售點,算是很難得的價格!
This brand is from Hong Kong, specialized in mobile accessories. The
brand name and Victorian-style romantic designs suggests it is designed
predominately for female market. In addition to protective casing for
iPhone and iPad, their screen protectors are something to behold too,
especially the raised embossed pattern on the frame. The company also
made free downloadable wallpaper apps to match the product's design.
Priced 1400 NTD for an iPad 2 leather protective sleeve, its quite
reasonably priced for such exquisitely designed item.
GAVIO Wrenz 小鳥造型喇叭

和以往常見的黑色方塊喇叭不同,這顆喇叭外型真的就像一隻小鳥,由新加坡音響品牌 GAVIO
所推出,他們家一系列的產品都很強調外觀造型設計,這次來展出的是 Wrenz 小鳥喇叭,造型線條流暢滑順,連接埠藏在背面屁股的地方,有標準
3.5mm 和 microUSB。
Unlike the conventional squarish speaker, this bird-shaped speaker is
from Singaporean audio accessories manufacturer Gavio. Gavio's products
always have clearly emphasized product appearance design. This
bird-shaped speaker, Wrenz, is no exception. With very smooth and swift
lines, all cabling have been hidden away behind the rear of the speark,
including the connection slot for standard 3.5mm jacket and microUSB.

除了這款單顆的小鳥喇叭之外,廠商也預計將會推出進階的鳥籠版本,可以掛在室內,經由藍牙來傳輸,未來也會有鳥巢版本,這麼精緻的設計,要價自然不會便宜,一顆小鳥喇叭要美金 89 元,約台幣 2,800 元,目標客群為精品店以及設計師。
As an addition to this single bird-shaped speaker, the company plans to
release a premium upgrade in the form of a bird cage, which act as a
Bluetooth receiver for the bird-shaped speaker. There may also be a bird
nest version in the future. With such refined design, the product is
aimed for boutique and designers, with a price tag of 89 USD.
Xebec 防水手機/平板保護套

Annti 覺得這家廠商很妙,他本身是做客製化的拭鏡布,是可黏貼式的那種,專門用在手機或者筆電的螢幕,但現在另外開發出這兩款保護套,雖然感覺好像有點撈過界,但產品卻做得很精緻!
台灣廠商創意動力展出這兩款保護套,手感十分紮實,很類似羊毛氈的觸感,材質使用聚脂纖維,外以防水加工,現場還特別掛個水龍頭示範給大家看。除卻防水功能不說,光是那個材質和工料,Annti 就覺得廠商應該直接推自有品牌了,實在不用等人家來談合作哩,科科!
This Taiwanese company, Xebec in Motion Limited, is an interesting one.
The company used to make screen wipe with reusable adhesive for cleaning
phone or notebook screen. Now they have extend from making things that
cleans the dirt to something that prevents things from getting the dirt.
These two protective sleeves are from. The sleeve material is polyester
fiber with wool felt like texture, and its waterproofed.