《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
玩玩輕『省』(?)筆電之後,宏碁也要在輕『貴』市場上面大展拳腳了嗎?(謎之聲:其實本節新聞重點是機海!機海呀!)而上圖根據 macles 這個部落格的說法,就是那台瞄準商業用戶、更貴的 Aspire One Pro。
這台 AA1 Pro 據說將有個更耐用的轉軸(上圖可以看出邊邊有點金屬材質,另外聽說還用了點碳纖維,耐不耐用從圖片應該是看不出來吧!),內在沒意外的話應該還是 Atom 處理器,作業系統則為某版本的 Linux OS(Windows 選購!),硬碟則是讓使用者在 HDD 跟 SDD 間選擇。
各位對 AA1 Pro 有興趣的朋友,可以在引用來源中『欣賞』更多圖片。
《 原文來源:macles* 》
Acer Aspire One Pro
Acer already surpassed ASUS in total netbooks sales last year and they seem determined to surpass them in number of available models as well.
As the marketing name already suggests the AA1 Pro will be targeted towards professional and business users, which will probably also be reflected in an increased price. It certainly is reflected in the basic, almost industrial, but still elegant design. Which combined with the reinforced hinges makes it look very robust, almost like a Thinkpad version of the AA1. Rather unusual are little design additions like a carbon fiber bar and chrome elements.
If the port arrangement seems familiar that's because the AA1 Pro is apparently based on a previously revealed model. Another thing you may notice is the missing Windows key. A home key is in its place instead, which indicates a Linux model. Windows will of course not be neglected. The technical specifications and dimensions remain almost unchanged, and it will be available in both HDD and SSD configurations.