《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
據傳蘋果正在跟英國電信公司 Orange 商討『綁行動寬頻上網合約,賣你折價 MacBooks 的方案』,目前據說已經進入了最後階段的討論,而基本盤還是兩年合約,同時 MacBooks 也不會像某些電信公司促銷小筆電一樣免費。
目前推測(根據 Orange 跟 Toshiba 的類似合作方案),綁約版 MacBooks 起價將於 369 英鎊;而根據 Mobile Today 的報導,兩家公司甚至有可能有更深入的合作,像是在 MacBooks 在上測試 Orange 家的上網 dongle 的使用狀況等,而 Orange 對於這次的合作,聽說可是投入了相當大的力氣。
當然,上述的一堆東西,目前也僅止於片面消息跟推測,將來合作案如何發展,或者說有沒有可能出現內建 SIM 插槽的 MacBooks(這點聽說 Orange 很哈),只能說,天曉得!
[出自 The Register]
《 原文來源:Mobile Today 》
Orange and Apple negotiations for laptop deal nearing completion
Discussions at final stages as dongle subsidy lands Apple
Orange will sell Apple laptops on its network from this summer, and will be the first company to subsidise Apple’s laptops with mobile broadband.
A deal is understood to be close to completion, with the details being finalised ahead of availability of the MacBook on Orange.
The operator has tested the laptops with its mobile broadband dongles and is understood to have made a volume commitment with Apple.
The laptops will not be free, given their high cost, but will be heavily discounted for customers that commit to a two year mobile broadband contract.
The devices are expected to be available only through Orange’s direct channels.
It is believed that senior Orange officials are hoping the laptop deal will be a stepping stone to the operator securing a distribution deal for future Apple laptops, which include built-in mobile broadband from an embedded Sim card.
A number of keen Apple followers have indicated that a smaller, low cost laptop, or ‘netbook’, will be unveiled later in 2009, and may include the embedded Sim card.
Orange declined to comment.