
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》

這年頭的主機板或多或少都一個樣,無論各大廠怎麼努力,也很難真的有讓人耳目一新的感覺的產品。但華碩的 Marine Cool 實在太特別了,讓人想不停下來多看兩眼都不行。除了散熱鰭片做成很有未來戰爭風的樣子(所以取名用 Marine?)之外,最大的特色就是整個主機板的背面都用一種「微洞陶瓷(Micro-porous ceramic,等華碩的正式翻譯吧XD)」材質製成的背板完全包覆,據說可以在超頻的時候協助散熱。不過這片板子有個頗奇怪的地方:它使用的是 SO-DIMM 的記憶體,而且只能插兩條。這到底是為啥呢 @@。

據說這片板子目前還只是個概念主機板,正式上市的時候應該會拿掉一些東西,以求售價不要太嚇人吧 XD

《 原文來源:Softpedia

CeBIT 2009: ASUS to Showcase the Marine Cool Concept Motherboard

ASUS appears to have remembered one of the main reasons it has become famous among computer enthusiasts, namely its capability of creating high-end motherboards. Just days away from the CeBIT 2009 computer show in Hanover, Germany, ASUS has unveiled a new concept for a high-end motherboard, dubbed Marine Cool. Designed unlike any other motherboard on the market, the Marine Cool concept will be on display at the company's booth at CeBIT, next week.

One of the main features of the Marine Cool concept board is a new backplate that boasts a “micro-porous ceramic” technology, which is said to deliver a quicker heat dissipation and also improve the structural integrity of the board. Through the cooling effects of the back plate the board's components will be able to better handle high-end overclocking and the stress of high-performance hardware components.

Another interesting thing about ASUS' Marine Cool concept motherboard is the use of two SO-DIMM memory slots, replacing the traditional, desktop-grade DIMM slots. This feature has its pros and cons, as it allows the motherboard maker to save some real estate space, while notebook-grade memories can perform well on mainstream systems. However, an SO-DIMM solution might not be a choice for a high-end overclocking platform.

As regards the passive cooling solution on the board, designed to effectively dissipate the heat over the board's Northbridge, Southbridge and PWM, ASUS appears to have taken its inspiration from some old sci-fi movie. The overall feeling of the board is that it provides users with support for technologies that are yet to emerge.

Fortunately, ASUS is expected to showcase the concept board at its CeBIT 2009 booth, next week. By that time we should know more about what are the company's intentions with the concept and if it sees such a board come to life, as part of an upcoming product.

    創作者 深藍經典 的頭像

    Wayne:This is my life in technicolor!

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