《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
Philips 這幾天推出了新款的 GoGear 隨身聽 / 多媒體播放器,這回聯袂出擊的有 GoGear Ariaz 以及 Opus 兩款。
GoGear Ariaz(上圖)有著 2" 螢幕,內建 4 / 8 / 16GB 記憶體,可收聽 FM 廣播、錄音,另外操作介面則是整合了觸控按鍵以及稍大一點的實體按鍵(不知道這樣是不是真的比較好操作?);另一方面 Opus 則算是原先 GoGear 播放器的升級版(意思應該是說工設的部份沒有太大的差異),螢幕 2.8 吋、解析度為 QVGA,容量則有 8 / 16 / 32GB 不等,支援藍牙,另外還可以連接上 BBC 的 iPlayer 影音服務;預計將於四月於歐洲上市,售價則分別為 79 / 179 歐元。
Read - Pocket-lint, "Philips unveils GoGear Ariaz media player"
Read - Pocket-lint, "Philips launches GoGear Opus"
《 原文來源:Pocket-lint 》
Philips unveils GoGear Ariaz media player
Philips has unveiled its new GoGear Ariaz personal media player, bringing what it describes as a "significant jump in sound quality" to mid-range PMPs.
The Ariaz adopts the Philips patented FullSound technology, which enhances the dynamics, bass, treble and stereo imaging of highly-compressed MP3 files for clearer playback.
To help that hit home even more, the Ariaz will come with a pair of high definition, sound isolation headphones, which prevent against external interference. They will also include three different shaped earbuds so you can choose the most comfortable ones for you.
The Ariaz itself is extremely compact and light, measuring 66 x 43 x 12mm, with a 2-inch full colour screen for viewing videos, album art and information during music playback.
The control system is a combination of touchscreen buttons and a large rocker key for scrolling through the menus quickly.
A nice touch for the GoGear Ariaz is that you can download movies directly from the Internet using your PC or laptop, without having to worry about the sizing.
The included software will allow you to choose any open source video file to be downloaded and automatically enhance it for the Ariaz's 2-inch screen.
GoGear Ariaz offers support for most popular file formats including MP3, WMA plus MPEG4 video, and it gives the option to convert most others to a GoGear compatible format.
You'll also be able to listen to the radio through the RDS FM tuner, and make voice or radio recordings thanks to a built in microphone.
The player will be available with 4, 8 and 16GB of storage space from April at 79 euros, 99 euros and 129 euros respectively.