
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》

Sony 終於振作了!這回的 Walkman NWZ-X1000 多媒體隨身播放器,感覺就是一整個優...吧?總之,在 3" OLED 觸控螢幕的加持下,表示他將會有更持久的電力、以及比一般採用 LCD 螢幕隨身聽還要好的色彩表現,另外還支援 WiFi 以及本機抗噪處理(不需抗噪仰賴耳機),預計將會有 16GB / 32GB 兩種版本,目前包括軟體、UI 等細節(圖看起來蠻不一樣的!)都還不清楚,預計一切將都會在稍晚的記者會當中揭曉。

[出自 OLED-Display]

《 原文來源:GIZMODO

Sony Walkman:Sony Walkman X-Series Is Surfable, Touchable and Shuts Up the World Around You

Sony's Walkman NWZ-X1000 features an OLED touchscreen, Wi-Fi and built-in noise cancellation. The X-series Walkman seems like a very impressive piece of hardware.

Much like its direct competitor, the iPod Touch, it comes in 16GB and 32GB flavors and can be used to surf the web. The screen's half an inch smaller, but it's also OLED (rather than the Touch's LED) so you can expect brighter colors and better contrast.

It also comes with digital noise canceling—a first for any MP3 player I've seen. The feature, allows any accompanying 13.5mm EX headphone to block out ambient noise, and basically renders those expensive Bose earphones you just got for Christmas obsolete.

What I like about this is that it's one of those “D'oh, of course!” ideas. I've always hated how the sound gets muffled and crappy (or turns off completely) when your noise canceling headphones run out of batteries—you don't have to worry about that if it's all incorporated into the MP3 player.

We'll have to run it through the standard tests to see if it's all it's cracked up to be, but what worries me most about the X-series, and it's most likely roadblock to widespread success, is the price. Right now it's TBD. Sony has come out with a ton of outstanding MP3 players, but unless it's willing to sell this one for $400 and lower, the X-series probably won't knock the iPod Touch off its perch.


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