
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》


AMD Phenom II processor bought, benchmarked, coveted

AMD 真的很低調,Phenom II 的消息更是保密到家。不過一位代號 Table21 的傢伙居然拿到了一顆 Phenom II 940,並在 HardOCP 論壇貼出了效能測試圖。這顆時脈 3GHz 的 940 在 3Dmark06 跑出了 4,091 的成績,超頻到 3.85GHz 後成績進步到 5,086。這份數據的可信度未知,但就算是 AMD 內部的測試,這效能也令人失望,看看 Intel 摳愛妻極致版上個月的測試,同樣超頻到 3.8GHz,成績是 6,608 分,用完勝還不足以形容這樣的差距,根本是踩在腳底再踢兩下的境界。不管這份測試有效與否,AMD 應該都還有漫長的路要追,難怪 AMD 很低調

[Via PC Perspective]


《 原文來源:[H]ardForum

My Phenom II benchmarks

Sorry for making another thread, not sure if it is the right thing to do but anyways, here is what I have for a system to test things on.

Cooler -OCZ vendetta 2
CPU - Phenom II 940
Ram - 2x2gb Mushkin redline
mobo - MSI K9A2 plat
video - 2x 4870, 4x4850 (installed right now is 1x 4870)
H/D - WD5000AAKS
PSU - Corsair HX1000
O/S vista ultimate 64bit

I have super pi runs done now and will do some 3dmark 06 in a few min

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    Wayne:This is my life in technicolor!

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