《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
AMD 45nm 生力軍 Phenom II 不遠矣,而 65nm 的兄弟檔也快出現了,這批 Phenom 架構的 Athon X2 7000 系列 CPU 已經在某些地區上市了。X2 7000 目的是為了取代年事已高的 X2 6000,HyperTransport 時脈提高到 3.6GH,2MB L3 快取,但 L2 仍只有 1MB。X2 7000 雖然是以 Phenom 為基礎,但仍是雙核心設計,提供較為平價的選擇,耗電大約 95 瓦。時脈 2.7GHz 的 X2 7750 黑盒版報價低於 80 塊美金,市場零售大約會在 90 美元上下 (NT$3,000),有需要的科科們準備入手吧。
《 原文來源:Electronista 》
AMD releases Phenom-based Athlon X2 7000 chips
AMD on Monday catered to the budget set with a new, faster version of the Athlon X2. The 7000 series is the first based directly on the "Stars" architecture used for Phenom chips and carries both a 2MB smart Level 3 cache absent on previous Athlons and a faster 3.6GHz HyperTransport bus (up from 2GHz), all of which are said contribute to better performance per clock. The switch from quad-core to dual-core and a smaller 1MB Level 2 cache appear the only concessions in the name of price.
The 64-bit processor is relatively power-hungry compared to most Athlons and uses 95W of power; AMD positions it as faster and greener than the company's previous best 3GHz Athlon X2 6000, which consumes 125W.
A single publicly available model, the Athlon X2 7750 Black Edition, comes in at 2.7GHz and should be ready today at a price of $79 in large batches. A second, non-Black Edition model is clocked at 2.5GHz and intended only to ship to PC makers. AMD hasn't said which systems if any are shipping with either of the new processors.