《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
前陣子才介紹過被 瘋子 高手 玩弄 加持的 MSI U100,但超頻這條路永遠不寂寞,這回換日本的 瘋子們 高手們大出風頭了。來自日本的超頻客用 Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 965 CPU 搭配華碩的超頻主機板 ROG Rampage II Extreme,從原始時脈 3.73GHz 超頻到 5510.09MHz,原文沒有提到散熱系統是什麼,但液態氮大概是標配了。
覺得這樣很瘋狂了嗎? 不,他們還沒有打破世界紀錄,目前的紀錄保持人是來自義大利的隊伍,將時脈 3.0GHz 的 Pentium4 631 超頻到 8179.89MHz。各位超頻客們,繼續加油。
《 原文來源:ASUSTeK Computer Inc. 》
World Record for Core i7 CPU Frequency Broken at 5510.09MHz!
ASUS ROG Rampage II Extreme Smashes World Record in CPU Frequency on Latest Intel Platform
Taipei, Taiwan, December 2, 2008 – The release of the Intel® Core™ i7 has set the overclocking arena abuzz with excitement in anticipation of new world records. Armed with the ASUS ROG Rampage II Extreme motherboard that supports the newest Intel platform, the Japanese overclocking enthusiast duck smashed to the top of the overclocking charts and notched in a world record for Core i7 CPU frequencies. He managed to record an exceptional score of 5510.09 MHz—clearly laying down the gauntlet to future challengers to the throne. A veteran of overclocking CPUs, duck still holds the world’s highest frequency for overclocking a Pentium 4 631 CPU to a staggering 8180.4MHz last year.
The successful breaking of the world record was in no small part thanks to the overclocking-oriented features found on the new Rampage II Extreme motherboard. TweakIt, an easy-to-use joystick-like control on the motherboard, enables overclockers to make real-time changes to their systems’ core frequency, voltage and other parameters—even while the benchmark utility is running. At no point does software come into play, as the tweaking is completely hardware-based. With such hassle-free tweaking, coupled with information like the system frequency relayed to overclockers in real-time via the LCD Poster, changes could be on-the-fly during CPU tests and result in extraordinary benchmark scores.