《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
其實個人比較無法理解這支手機的設定,因為這款是採滑蓋式設計,但滑蓋所推出的鍵盤,是一般數字鍵位的鍵盤,而非QWERTY鍵盤。再加上這款不是觸控式設計,比較之前的6220 classic設計,滑蓋式設計似乎不見得更好用。當然,也許滑蓋還有其他優勢,只是個人沒有想到吧。
具備2.4吋螢幕,320 X 480解析度,厚度15.4mm,採用microSD卡擴充,要價299歐元,約新台幣一萬三,預計明年初推出。
《 原文來源:Nokia 》
Nokia 6260 slide - made for high speed sharing
Espoo, Finland - People use mobile devices to share their lives with friends and family and with this in mind, Nokia introduces the Nokia 6260 slide. The phone call is the most obvious way to use the new handset to connect with people, but it will also be used to share photographs and videos, check on a friend's social network status or be guided to a restaurant to meet up with a loved one. For this, the Nokia 6260 slide features quick access to search engines and points of interest straight from the home screen and the new 360° navi-key allows a great mobile Internet experience.
Uploading images and videos to websites, blogs and social networks is quicker than ever with Nokia's newest arrival, which features lightning-fast speeds over both cellular and Wi-Fi networks. The Nokia 6260 slide comes with the latest 3G technology, with high speed uploads (HSUPA) and downloads (HSDPA), a great camera, music player and web browser with a simple, instantly familiar interface. Combined with the range of Ovi services on offer, Nokia brings a compelling mobile Internet experience to a huge group of consumers.
A 5Mpix Carl Zeiss camera with flash takes fantastic pictures which can be easily shared and uploaded to Share on Ovi or other photo and video sharing websites. In addition to the photo, music and sharing features that come packed in the Nokia 6260 slide, Nokia Maps and the assisted GPS provide a great navigation experience. The Nokia 6260 slide brings GPS into the Series 40 software platform for the first time, really signifying navigation arriving in the mass market.
The Nokia 6260 slide is expected to begin shipping at the beginning of 2009 for an estimated retail price of EUR 299, before taxes and subsidies. Press materials and photos can be found at www.nokia.com/press.