
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》

千呼萬喚始出來的Clarion MiND的MID,正式發表後一直有促銷的風聲出來,聖誕的前夕終於有了正式的消息。


CPU:Intel Atom,應該是Silverhorne
儲存:4GB SSD
螢幕尺寸:4.8 吋 觸控螢幕(解析度 800 x 480)
作業程式: Linux OS
無線:藍牙 2.0、 WiFi

售價約美金649.99元,折合台幣約20800,姑且不論感覺有貴到的價格,看起來的確是個不錯的聖誕禮物!不過這價位 "四夫" 可以買一台內建3G的輕省筆電(可能還有找 XD)

《 原文來源

ClarionMiND Mobile Internet device with GPS navigation

You can do a lot with the ClarionMiND Mobile Internet Navigation Device — surf the Internet, get directions, play movies and music, and much, much more. You'll enjoy the benefits of many devices in one sleek, portable package. Stow it in your bag when you go on vacation, check e-mail at the coffee shop, or compare prices while you're shopping at the mall. And you can access all this powerful functionality with just three simple buttons and a 4.8" LCD color touchscreen.

Entertainment at your fingertips
Play your movie and music files, view photos, watch YouTube™ videos, or play online games with the ClarionMiND — you can run most of the same programs you use on your home computer. Connect a gamepad to one of the USB slots to play games, or show everyone pictures of your vacation from a thumb drive. Unlike some other portable devices, you get a large, bright screen that's easy on the eyes.

Built-in computer processor and Linux operating system
Your web pages will load quickly and movie files will play smoothly, thanks to a robust 800 MHz Intel® Atom™ processor, a user-friendly Linux operating system, and 512MB of RAM. Built-in Bluetooth® lets you talk hands-free in your vehicle with your compatible cell phone. You can even connect to the Internet on the road, using your cell phone as a modem with your wireless data plan. Dual USB inputs let you add thumb drives, a mouse, keyboard, or other peripherals. You also get additional computer functions like an address book, file manager, calculator, and PDF viewer.

Wireless Internet access
With the ClarionMiND, you can surf the Internet in any Wi-Fi® hotspot or over your home wireless network, while you view full web pages on its large screen without the need to scroll left and right. You'll find popular web applications like MySpace™, YouTube, weather, news, and e-mail built right in.

Find your way with GPS navigation
The ClarionMiND gives you turn-by-turn map and voice guidance as you drive, and you'll see maps of the entire U.S. and Canada clearly on the big touchscreen. Split-screen mode lets you keep an eye on the weather, news, your music, and other information. You can mount the ClarionMiND on your car's windshield or console with the included cradle.

You can access powerful destination searches by connecting to the Internet. The ClarionMiND links with Google™ Maps to provide you with a wealth of information when you're looking for a place to eat, shop, or relax. You can narrow your search for a specific type of location or include as many options as you want — Google Maps can help you find what you're looking for.

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    Wayne:This is my life in technicolor!

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