
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》


LG的高效能桌上型電腦細節開始浮現了,產品商標 XPION。上圖中比較苗條的 那位 那台型號R20,搭載Core 2 Quad 2.33Ghz CPU、3GB RAM、GeForce 9500GS GPU,整套散熱系統相當安靜。而且旁邊正常size的那台型號S20,採用略為高階的Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz CPU、GeForce 9600GT GPU。我們會繼續追蹤相關消息。

《 原文來源:Akihabara News .com

Two New High-Performance Desktops from LG

Don't shoot the messenger ok? I don't want to offend anyone with the “high-performance” thingy that LG claims for their R20 and S20.

Anyway, here you are:

R20 : A slim desktop PC featuring a Core 2 Quad Q8200 CPU, GeForce 9500GS, 3GB of RAM (no information on either HDD capacity or DVD drive type), a new cooling system that uses MDPC Technology (Multi Direction Platform Cooling) that makes it quiet as 20dB.

S20: A standard size desktop powered by a Core 2 Quad Q9400, a GeForce 9600GT… Same here, not much data or info.

LG was pretty mean on info about these two, but being able to work with a Core 2 Quad on heavy WORD or EXCEL docs should change the lives of many secretaries around the world


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