
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》


筆電大都有內建藍牙了,但桌機還沒有內建藍牙的機種。如果你需要一支好用的藍牙接收器,可以考慮 Callpod 新推出的 Drone USB Bluetooth。這可不是普通的藍牙接收器,而是專為音頻裝置設計的。

首先是它的高功率設計,讓傳輸距離可以達到300英呎 (約91公尺),這可是一般藍牙接收器的十倍距離。把Drone插上電腦時,會辨識為了一組喇叭裝置,透過Drone內建的韌體,可以將電腦的聲音傳送給藍牙耳機。這樣的設計非常適合 VoIP 的使用,像是 Skype,當您在聽音樂的時候,若是有Skype電話進來,耳機會自動切換到電話。



《 原文來源:Callpod

Drone - Plug & Play 100-meter range Bluetooth VOIP and Music for your PC

Simply plug the Drone into the USB port of your computer, and it will immediately connect with your Bluetooth headset or headphones to provide streaming music and voice over a 100 meter (328ft) range. There is no software to install because the Drone has on-board software which communicates with your headset. The computer sees the Drone as a USB speaker and simply routes the audio automatically. When a Skype call comes in, Drone switches over to the call automatically. When used with the Dragon headset you can enjoy the full 100 meter range. Supports A2DP (Stereo) Bluetooth profile.


  • 100-meter (Class-1) range
  • VoIP and music streaming to any Bluetooth headset or stereo headphones
  • Automatically pairs with your headset or headphones
  • Seamlessly switch between music and VoIP calls
  • No software installation - Plug and Play
  • Optional software install for advanced functions such as data transfer
  • Upgradeable firmware


  • Works with all Bluetooth headsets and headphones
  • Supports all major VoIP platforms (i.e. Skype®)
  • Controls all PC music players (iTunes, Windows Media Player)
  • A2DP / AVRCP
  • Mac and PC compatible
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