
《 轉載來源:癮科技 》


我們很高興Raon Digital沒有完全放棄Everun Note產品線,尤其在上次的召回事件之後。UMPC Portal上提到最近會有兩台Everun Notes上市,兩部都會內建SSD。S16S將採用Ubuntu Mobile、1.2GHz Sempron的處理器、12GB MLC SSD硬碟,高階一點的D24S將採用Windows XP,一個雙核Turion 處理器,以及24GB的SSD硬碟。11月中旬供貨,價格分別為美金659元 (約新台幣元)及 美金950元(約台幣元)。

[整理編譯自 Pocketables]

《 原文來源:UMPCPortal

Raon Digital Offers SSD-based Everun Note variants

Raon Digital will offer two new variants of the Everun Note UMPC that we tested last month. The two models will be SSD-based and will come as high-end and low-end alternatives to the existing HDD-based model, the D60H. The low-end device (S16S) will offer Ubuntu Mobile and a 12GB MLC SSD with the CPU swapped out for a Sempron CPU running at 1.2Ghz. The high-end model (D24S) will retain Windows XP and the Dual-Core Turion but will come with a 24GB split SSD with 8GB of Fast SLC and 16GB of standard MLC flash memory. Prices aren’t available at resellers yet but we’re told that Raon are aiming for a $659 pre-tax retail price on the low-end model when it becomes available in mid-November and $950 pre-tax price on the high-end model which is already available for ordering by resellers.

Taking away one of the stand-out features of the Everun Note, the processing power, in order to lower the price is a questionable move but you’re still left with an extremely small use-anywhere ultra mobile touchscreen PC at a reasonable price. As for the D24S, you’re getting a faster version of one of the fastest UMPCs out there. Need we say more, apart from ‘where’s the built-in 3G Raon?’

All three devices are now detailed in the database.


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