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Toshiba向來不是在外觀上大做文章的廠商,它最新兩台筆電顯然也維持傳統。最新推出的兩台筆電是針對商用族群,15.4吋的 Satellite Pro S300(上圖)與14吋Satellite Pro S300M(下一頁圖)都有兩年保固,並支援多功能外接裝置(docking)、讀卡機、USB Sleep-and-Charge / eSATA combo介面及臉部辨識軟體。

S300可以選配 Core 2 Duo CPU、最高到3GB的DDR2記憶體,一顆160GB、5,400轉的硬碟,雙層DVD燒錄器,WiFi / Bluetooth 2.1+EDR,Intel'的GMA4500MHD顯示卡,內建網路攝影機 / 麥克風和9 cell電池; S300M基本上和S300差不多,只是螢幕和底盤小了一點。至於價格,S300是899美元(約新台幣29.200元),S300M是829美元(約新 台幣27,000元)。

[整理編譯自 Notebooks]

《 原文來源 》

Toshiba Makes Two-Year Warranty Standard on Satellite Pro Laptop Line. Affordable Toshiba Satellite Pro Laptops Feature Docking, PC Health Monitor, Business Card Reader & Face Recognition Software

IRVINE, Calif.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Toshibas Digital Products Division, a leader in mobile computing solutions, today announced the 15.4-inch Satellite Pro® S300 and 14.1-inch Satellite Pro S300M laptops. Building upon the Satellite Pro product familys quality and success, Toshiba will include a two-year, standard limited warranty(1) on these new laptop PCs.

“Since its re-launch in October 2007, the Satellite Pro has consistently been one of the top-three selling laptops in the $600 - $999 price band”

These latest Satellite Pro laptops were designed, engineered and manufactured by Toshiba resulting in high-quality laptops at an affordable price. They feature Toshibas innovative fourth-generation EasyGuard® Technology(2) with PC Health Monitor, built-in support for docking, and convenient Business Card Reader and Face Recognition software. The Satellite Pro S300M has a starting price of $899 (MSRP)(3), while the Satellite Pro S300 starts at an even more affordable price of $829 (MSRP)(3).

Since its re-launch in October 2007, the Satellite Pro has consistently been one of the top-three selling laptops in the $600 - $999 price band, said Carl Pinto, vice president, product development and marketing, Digital Products Division, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Toshiba has equipped these new Satellite Pro laptop PCs with even more mobility features and have added value by covering the Satellite Pro S300M and S300 laptop PC series with a two-year limited warranty, increasing the laptops appeal in todays current economic conditions.

Multimedia: Satellite Pro S300 and Satellite Pro S300M

Toshibas Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 feature the following value-add features:

  • Two-Year Standard Limited Warranty: The Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 series include an industry-leading two-year standard limited warranty in the sub $1,000 price band. This warranty includes carry-in support at Authorized Service Providers throughout the country such as UPS Stores and Mail Boxes Etc. locations.
  • EasyGuard® Technology: The Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 laptops feature Toshibas fourth-generation EasyGuard Technology with PC Health Monitor. This new feature is a preventative maintenance utility that continuously checks the performance and functionality of a laptops critical hardware components and will alert users when the system is in need of a tune up. PC Health Monitor tracks the status of critical components, such as hard drive status, battery life and CPU temperature and system cooling warnings. In addition to PC Health Monitor, Toshibas EasyGuard technology is a proprietary, value-added series of hardware and software enhancements designed to better protect and secure ones laptop during everyday computing. Components include HDD Protection, a spill-resistant keyboard(4), fingerprint reader and Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
  • Face Recognition Software: This technology uses the Satellite Pro S300Ms and Satellite Pro S300s integrated Webcam to grant or deny access to the laptop based on a series of recorded images of the users face. This provides mobile professionals with another convenient way to log onto their laptop.
  • Express Port Replicator: Both the Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 are Toshibas first Satellite Pro laptops with built-in support for docking, enabling a mobile to desktop expansion. Simply by docking or undocking, users can easily transition from a mobile mode to a full desktop environment. The Satellite Pro Express Port Replicator supports hot docking and undocking.
  • Business Card Reader Software: Toshibas 1.3-megapixel Webcam features macro functionality and Presto! BizCard Reader 5 software, to allow business users to quickly and easily scan business cards and organize them into a convenient and searchable database or export to a contact management software program of your choice.
  • Ease of Deployment: To better reduce the cost for customers and to simplify the deployment of new laptops, the Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 feature a common motherboard and image. This system commonality also minimizes service and support for organizations.
  • USB Sleep-and-Charge/eSATA Combo Port(5): This unique port provides convenience and speed by allowing data transfers to and from an eSATA external hard drive at rates up to five times faster than USB 2.0, and the ability to charge select USB mobile devices whether the laptop is on, off, or in sleep or hibernation mode.
  • Green Attributes: The Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 are ENERGY STAR® 4.0 compliant and have achieved a Silver status through the Green Electronics Councils Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT).

Complete product specifications for all Satellite Pro S300M and Satellite Pro S300 laptops are available at or

As a responsible global corporate citizen, Toshiba designs all of its new laptops to be RoHS compatible(6), effectively reducing the environmental impact by restricting the use of lead, mercury and certain other hazardous substances.

Toshiba is offering a new, free electronic trade-in and recycling program which includes all laptop PCs and other select electronics, regardless of manufacturer, that have no trade-in value. For more details, please visit No purchase is necessary to participate in the recycling program.

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