《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
這台可能是今年屬一屬二醜的桌上型電腦:Tangent的Evergreen 17開賣了!不過,如果真的有內在美這回事,它可能有一絲機會受人喜愛。
這台all-in-one電腦有「領先業界的節能功效,耗費24瓦」,觸控友善(touch-friendly,非觸控) 的顯示螢幕,並搭配沒什麼愛用者的1GHz VIA Eden處理器(或者說 1.5GHz VIA C7),可選配SSD最高到64GB,記憶體最多升級到2GB,還有乙太網路介面。
[整理編譯自 I4U News]
《 原文來源:HomeToys Home Technology News 》
Tangent Goes Green Evergreen 17 - An Ultra slim, All-in-One Energy-Saving PC
For more info visit: http://www.tangent.com
With its industry-leading power efficiency at 24 watts and 72% less energy usage than Energy Star 4.0 limits, Tangent's Evergreen 17 is designed to be your “Green” desktop PC replacement or an optimal kiosk unit.
Submitted to HomeToys.com on: 08/25/2008, 9:51 pm
The Evergreen 17 is designed to help schools and government entities achieve their Green Energy Reduction Initiatives.
“Not only do users experience computing with a touch screen LCD in a space-saving form factor, they also get industry leading power efficiency at 24 watts and 72% less energy usage than Energy Star 4.0 limits,” said Douglas Monsour, Tangent’s President. “This translates into cost-savings while, at the same time, helping the environment.”
The Evergreen 17 comes with the Via Eden 1.0 GHz (fan-less) processor or the ViaC7 1.50 GHz (low noise fan).The operating system is either Windows XP Professional®, or Windows XP Embedded for server and web-based computing. A Linux version is also available The Evergreen 17 has a 10/100/1000 Ethernet onboard and optional wireless LAN.
The Evergreen 17 can be ordered with an optional solid state drive to provide a 100% solid-state system with no moving parts to fail. A selection of 1, 2, 4, 16, 32, or 64GB solid-state drives are available as options. When so-equipped the Evergreen 17 is ideal for server-based and browser-based applications that dramatically reduce the cost of maintaining a fleet of standalone PCs. Spindle drives in capacities from 60 to 250GB are also available. Each Evergreen 17 is equipped with a high brightness TFT panel and resistive touch. It weighs15.8 lbs. and is only 2.25 inches in depth. It also comes in an eye-catching design.
The Evergreen 17 has a starting price of $1,195. Memory is up to 2GB DDR SDRAM. Tangent backs the green PC with a one-year parts and labor warranty and optional one year on-site service. They are available direct from Tangent at www.tangent.com.
About Tangent, Inc. Founded in 1989, Tangent provides technology solutions to education, government, corporate, and healthcare markets. Tangent’s award-winning technology includes rugged minis, all-in-one, wireless labs, thin clients, and servers. Tangent products have earned numerous awards, including eight Editor's Choice awards from PC Magazine.