《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
總是有人嘗試著將筆電和桌機結合起來,這就是 LLUON A1,它看上去就像Eee PC上面吸附了一個LCD螢幕。這款系統是專為娛樂活動設計(雖然是不太要求硬體設備的遊戲),配置了Atom N270 CPU、1GB記憶體、 160GB硬碟、18.4吋 (1680 x 954) 顯示器、一些基本的連接埠以及很普遍的DVD複合式光碟機,現在只有韓國有售,坦白說應該也不會在美國看到,更遑論在台灣地區了。
《 原文來源:Akihabara News.com 》
Celrun LLUON A1, Gorgeous IPTV and PC from Korea
Here's an example of a great convergence of capabilities regarding a computer and IPTV solution, the A1 from Korea's Celrun.
Simply put, the LLUON A1 can either be used as a standard TV or IPTV. Not only is its design gorgeous, but our little A1 features some decent specs with a 18.4” LCD (1680x954), an Intel ATOM N270 CPU, 1GB of RAM, 160GB of HDD, and a DVD multi drive...
That's one cool looking desktop, something we'd like to see more often.