《 轉載來源:癮科技 》
如果用過具備獨顯的筆電,一定對這則新聞很有感覺。過去顯卡廠商通常不會直接提供筆電晶片的驅動程式,因為各家筆電常有特殊的設計,像是熱鍵開關、超頻等設計,要下載驅動都要洽詢筆電廠商,但筆電廠商可不會那麼勤快地更新新版驅動,最後就是只能將就著 bug 多多的舊版驅動。NVIDIA 宣佈透過新的模組架構,讓筆電驅動也能像桌機那樣方便更新了。目前確定納入支援的是 GeForce 8M、9M 以及 Quadro NVS 系列晶片,beta 驅動目前已經釋出,多了 CUDA 與 PhysX 支援,下載前記得看一下注意事項,還沒有每一款筆電都支援。ATI 也跟進吧,不想再用 DH Mod Tool 了。
[Via Notebook Review]
《 原文來源:NVIDIA.COM 》
New Notebook Graphics Drivers Unlocks the Latest CUDA and PhysX Applications for Notebook Users
Users with notebooks equipped with NVIDIA® graphics processing units (GPUs) now have the added flexibility of downloading upgradeable graphics drivers directly from NVIDIA.com so they can immediately take advantage of new features, improved application compatibility, and performance optimizations. The first graphics driver release from NVIDIA will extend the NVIDIA CUDA™ architecture to notebook GPUs, enabling the growing number of consumers moving to a notebook-only lifestyle to immediately experience the wide range of CUDA-based applications—from heart-stopping GPU-accelerated game physics to GPU-accelerated video conversion.
“Epic and NVIDIA invest an incredible amount of time and energy into ensuring that customers get an amazing experience with our software out-of-the-box,” said Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games. “The only way to ensure that this value-add is realized by customers is for them to have access to timely driver updates. I congratulate NVIDIA for being the first to offer their customers a choice for notebook driver updates.”
“NVIDIA is committed to giving the rapidly growing number of customers using notebook GPUs the same performance optimizations and innovative graphics features that desktop customers have grown accustomed to,” said Dwight Diercks, vice president of software engineering at NVIDIA. “To accomplish this, we have worked diligently over the past year to modularize our driver architecture and develop a unified driver install package that will not only work with notebooks from all manufacturers but also maintain all of their specific model customizations such as hotkeys and suspend and resume functionality.”
GPUs have long been essential platforms for rendering real-time images to computer screens, but software developers and system manufacturers have recently begun using their parallel processing power to deliver a new level of performance for a variety of visual computing applications. The new NVIDIA notebook drivers enable customers to experience the growing number of applications that use the power of NVIDIA GPUs. Video applications such as Badaboom from Elemental Technologies, Power Director 7 from Cyberlink, TMPGEnc from Pegasys Software, and TotalMedia Theater from Arcsoft are all seeing significant performance benefits by transferring the workload from the CPU to the more efficient GPU. Distributing computing applications such as Folding@home, Einstein@home, GPUGRID and SETI@home have also seen performance improve by orders of magnitude through NVIDIA CUDA technology. Recently Adobe Creative Suite 4 became the latest application to speed up performance and enhance features by moving processing to the GPU.
With NVIDIA PhysX™ technology, GeForce® GPUs bring games to life with explosions full of dust and debris, characters that move with lifelike motion, or cloth that drapes and tears naturally. PhysX technology harnesses the power of NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series or higher GPUs, allowing games to deliver 10-20 times more visual complexity on screen. NVIDIA PhysX technology is the development platform of industry leading publishers such as Electronic Arts (EA) and 2K Games and is the physics engine in the blockbuster title Mirror’s Edge from EA.
Starting today, customers with GeForce® 8 and 9-series GPUs or Quadro NVS-equipped notebooks can download a BETA version of the drivers from www.nvidia.com. Customers will be able to download a WHQL-certified version supporting all GeForce 7, 8, and 9 series and Quadro NVS series notebook GPUs early next year.